Art’s Birthday is every 17th January. This time, Opening Performance Orchestra + Czech radio decided to celebrate it with a hommage to futurists.
The base of the composition The Futuristic Soirée includes two key texts of the futuristic movement from the beginning of the twentieth century - The Manifest of Futurism by Filipp Thommas Marinetti and The Manifest Of Futuristic Musicians by Balilla Pratela. The sound essence of the composition is based on three intonarumories, instruments invented and built
by Italian futurists, with the assistance of which noises were introduced into music. Two solo violin parts represent a variation and an improvisation in spirit of the scores of enharmonic music that have built a base of the futuristic musical compositions. The result of this open cooperation is a collective composition that uses a synergy of manifold approach of all participating players.
by Italian futurists, with the assistance of which noises were introduced into music. Two solo violin parts represent a variation and an improvisation in spirit of the scores of enharmonic music that have built a base of the futuristic musical compositions. The result of this open cooperation is a collective composition that uses a synergy of manifold approach of all participating players.
Pavel Z - spoken word
Phaerentz - spoken word
David Danel - violin
Tomáš Vtípil - violin
Opening Performance Orchestra - concept, 3 intonarumories
Phaerentz - spoken word
David Danel - violin
Tomáš Vtípil - violin
Opening Performance Orchestra - concept, 3 intonarumories
17th January at the Fair Trade Palace in Prague, details here.